The club is closed for tennis for the season, but there is still a lot to do for the grounds crew. All 44 nets, grass posts, windscreens, benches etc. have to be put away for the winter.
Tons of topdressing is taken off the clay courts to give us a head start on next season. Even the lines on the clay are taken up.
A big fall job is getting all the water out of the clubs water systems so they don't freeze and break. A large air compressor is rented and pipes and valves are blown out. We have 9 separate irrigation systems, 2 wells, 2 connections to Brookline water, one to Newton water, the pool and various drinking water pipes.
The grass courts also need work before the upcoming winter. 4000 lbs of lime, fungide for snow mold and any repairs we can do before the cold is here.
All the usual fall landscaping is also done - leaves, pruning, flower pots emptied and gardens cleaned.