LCC Grounds

LCC Grounds

Longwood Cricket Club Grounds

LCC Grounds blog began in 2008. Entries have educated membership and the public on the crew, agronomic techniques, horticulture and clay court maintenance.
We really enjoy what we do and hope the readers of this blog get something out of it. Questions , comments and any feedback on the content is highly encouraged. If you are from another club, or grounds department, please do not hesitate to contact us!

For those loyal followers of this blog, we want to let you know that our focus for social media updates concerning the grounds department will be on Twitter, where you can follow us @LCCgrounds. You can also follow us on instagram here: LCCGrounds

LCC Grounds Instagram Pictures


Monday, November 23, 2009

The LCC Grounds Crew (and special guest, Kevin Dodge) took a trip for lunch on the final day of the 2009 season. We got on the T Green line and went to Arlington Street station. From there we walked over to Cheers and met our host, Tom Babson. Tom helped out Tenacity with their gala at Longwood and was a member of the Cheers cast. Good food and a fun time!


Tim Burns said...

Did Jeff have the beef sweats or was that trick photography?

Neil said...

Authentic beef sweats!

Didn't see any beef sweats on my end of the table. My brow was chalk dry.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


1. You didn't take a bus
2. Why the heck didn't I get invited? booooooooooo!

love always,
