LCC Grounds

LCC Grounds

Longwood Cricket Club Grounds

LCC Grounds blog began in 2008. Entries have educated membership and the public on the crew, agronomic techniques, horticulture and clay court maintenance.
We really enjoy what we do and hope the readers of this blog get something out of it. Questions , comments and any feedback on the content is highly encouraged. If you are from another club, or grounds department, please do not hesitate to contact us!

For those loyal followers of this blog, we want to let you know that our focus for social media updates concerning the grounds department will be on Twitter, where you can follow us @LCCgrounds. You can also follow us on instagram here: LCCGrounds

LCC Grounds Instagram Pictures


Thursday, April 28, 2011


On April 27, 2011 I visited Dartmouth College for a one day seminar for the NH and VT Parks Associations. The main focus of the day was turfgrass and I was there representing the New England Sports Turf Managers Association giving a brief talk on educational opportunities in the field of turfgrass science. The highlight of the day had nothing to do with turfgrass - it was having a tour of the campus with Dartmouth's arborist. He went over a lot of details about the history of trees on the campus, how they maintain them and new tree selection. Fascinating!


John G. said...

You only need to visit Dick Mount's house to get a tour of Dartmouth - I think he still has his old cheerleader's megaphone in his living room.

He also still wears some of his clothing from his days in Hanover.

Other prominent Dartmouth alum: Bill White, Curt Anderson among others.

John G. said...

I forgot to mention Russ Daiber - Ted's son - another loyal Dartmouth alum.

Perhaps we should compile a list of everyone's schools and compare the totals - I know that Larry Wolf talked about having an "Intercollegiate" match between LCC alumni - I think that would be a lot of fun. I'm guessing that Harvard would have a very tough team with the Palandjians, Kristen Fusco, Roberta Cleary come to mind (not counting B-school - only undergrad).

What say you?

JohnRat said...

I'll put my money on the Maroon and Gold with Bill, Gil and Driscoll.