LCC Grounds

LCC Grounds

Longwood Cricket Club Grounds

LCC Grounds blog began in 2008. Entries have educated membership and the public on the crew, agronomic techniques, horticulture and clay court maintenance.
We really enjoy what we do and hope the readers of this blog get something out of it. Questions , comments and any feedback on the content is highly encouraged. If you are from another club, or grounds department, please do not hesitate to contact us!

For those loyal followers of this blog, we want to let you know that our focus for social media updates concerning the grounds department will be on Twitter, where you can follow us @LCCgrounds. You can also follow us on instagram here: LCCGrounds

LCC Grounds Instagram Pictures


Friday, April 15, 2011

Grass Changing Fast

When the snow finally melted in March, the grass courts were solid green from the winter long insulation of the snow. Then the exposed Poa annua began yellowing on the leaf tips and the bentgrass turned reddish purple (this is from lack of phosphorus in the cool temps - picture directly below) Then the weather started to warm a bit and the bentgrass turned back to green and began growing while the Poa annua remained yellow. Finally this week, the Poa annua started greening up (bottom picture.) Like almost every year, there are ever changing colors and growth spurts of the different species of grass on our courts. Next month will be no different, with the Poa annua producing seed.


John G. said...

Looking forward to tomorrow - Tom and Dick going at it for about the 4500th time on Opening Day - they're slowing down but both still play a great game of stealth and guile.

Here's hoping for many more seasons of seeing them at 9:00 am on the first day!!

Not Neil said...

More Neil

Not Walsh said...

who cut those diagonals, matt hennesey?